Foundation Board Retreat: A Day of Inspiration and Planning

Board Retreat

August 11, 2023

Our Foundation board members came together today for a full-day retreat that was nothing short of inspiring. The day was filled with activities and discussions that left everyone motivated and ready for the upcoming school year.

We began the day with team-building activities that brought us closer together. These exercises reminded us of the importance of collaboration and unity in our mission to support LHS. Throughout the day, we focused on planning for the year ahead. Board members worked together to set clear goals and strategies to enhance the educational experience at LHS. The commitment to making a positive impact was evident in every conversation. Meals were a time for laughter and bonding as we shared stories and experiences. These moments reinforced the strong sense of community among our board members. One of the highlights was a tour of LHS, where we saw firsthand the impact of our efforts. Witnessing students engaged in learning activities reminded us of our purpose.

We also had the pleasure of meeting with the Foundation Junior Board, strengthening our commitment to mentoring the next generation of leaders.

As the day came to a close, our board members left the retreat with renewed energy and determination. Their dedication to making a difference in the lives of LHS students is truly commendable. Our Foundation board's unity and vision set a shining example for us all. With their leadership, we can look forward to an exciting and impactful school year ahead.